Monday, February 25, 2013

are YOU ready!!..........

OK let me start by saying these past 8 weeks have just been crazy and I cannot believe I haven't updated my blog! I am so sorry! Second.. let me take you back.. back starting on 11dpIUI

Tuesday January 22th..
So I woke up, well couldn't really sleep. I knew it was getting closer and closer to testing day! I was getting so anxious and figured what they hay.. lets POAS an see what happens. Soooo at 6am bright and early I peed on a cheapie and this  is what I got..
Now.. I know it looks like there is nothing there.. but if you put on your best squinty eyes you can see a very.. and I mean VERY faint line.. OMG OMG OMG I started freaking out. Is this it? Could it still be my trigger.. I just couldn't believe it, I had never seen any second line ever. So I sucked in this little secret and got ready for work. On my way I stopped and loaded up on the good pregnancy tests. Check out my score..
Was able to make it through the day without talking to anyone! Got home and started freaking out! Told Brandon what happened and he started freaking out. THEN I POAS again this time on the First Response Early Response.. Got this
A CLEAR second LINE!! OMG OMG OMG I remember it like it was yesterday. I was crying, so happy! Brandon was right next to me reading the box directions haha! This was IT the start of the rest of our lives!!

While I was still sort of freaking out inside as the trigger injection I had given myself to release my eggs for the IUI can make a pregnancy test positive so I really wasn't 100000000% sure this was it. I still felt confident enough to share the news with my BFF. She was so overjoyed! We were screaming/crying! It was great! 

The next day I called my RE nurse line, asked to have my Beta blood test moved up. There was NO way I was waiting till Friday! They agreed and I went that night! The next morning (Thursday now) she called to say. "Alicia YOUR PREGNANT" Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat OMG seriously!! First Beta 50.5!!!! It was one of the best days of my life hands down! I called my mom (we cried) called my dad (he was so overjoyed) and my brother who was really excited! The news was out! 

Now in the middle of all this I was still sorta POAS.. a lot. So much for that New Years resolution!! 

I still had to go back for two more blood test to ensure my levels are rising correctly. Second beta was done Saturday 15dpIUI and that came back at a whopping 212. I was pregnant I mean def pregnant. I was still sort of in shock! Third beta was done on Monday came in at 452! This was it! Honestly I think I was still in shock! 

First ultrasound was scheduled for 6w6d on Valentines day!! There are just no words for this experience! We saw one little baby, the sac, and the yolk exactly where it was supposed to be! I was holding my breath at this point so nervous and excited! Everything looked great! I was measuring 6w4d which was perfect! Then the tech found the heart and seeing that thumping on the u/s screen was so amazing! I just couldn't and still can't believe that was even possible! We were even able to hear it! I started bawling! I just couldn't believe it was so real, that was our baby in there!! 

So. EDD is October 4th 2013! One little bean on the way with a beautiful heartbeat of 133. Check baby Smitty out!

It is real! We are going to be PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Now that the news is officially out to blogspot I promise I will not neglect my blog anymore!

Today marks 8w3d and we have our first appointment with the OB tomorrow! Stay tuned

Friday, February 15, 2013