Tuesday, January 15, 2013


4dpIUI (Four days post IUI #1)

T-10 days till beta!!


This time I am taking things a little more chill. Trying to stay busy with the hubby, online, at home, at work, out, shopping, hey whatever works right! Last night I ordered these yummy guys... watermelon was always my favorite and I cannot wait to get them

Tonight I went to dinner at my favorite place The Alamo with a friend! It was soooo good to get out of the house for some yum Mexican! Tomorrow might be going out for round two! Maybe lol

Crazy weather happening this week in good ol MA yesterday 60deg tomorrow 5" of snow coming. CRAZY! But I actually don't even mind it!

Friday, January 11, 2013

CD12 and IUI #1

Well, IUI #1 is done! This morning Brandon and I woke up early, got ready and headed off to RSC! We arrived there and that's where it all started!

Brandon headed off to collect his sample! it was pretty nice if you ask me! I will post the video he took of the collection room later. Then we waited while they washed, checked, and counted the sperm! Then It was the moment of truth!!!!

The nurse came in (her name was Alicia) ironic you might say! Explained the procedure and gave us the results of the sample. They look for at least 10 million Brandon he had 136 million.. Overachiever!!! He was pumped, macho man! Haha

The actual procedure was quick. They insert a small catheter into my cervix and inject the sample. The goal is to get the semen as close to its goal the egg as possible! It went perfect!!!! I was extremely worried about any pain as I had a horrible experience with the HSG I had done but it went great!

Now I sit here thinking about the 136 million sperm on their way up my fallopian tubes to my lucky 18mm egg and can't help but smile! Swim little guys swim!

Beta scheduled for 1/25/13 ahhhhh

And welcome to the official two week wait!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


So today was a day of wonderful news! My monitoring went great!! I have a beautiful mature follicle measuring 18mm on the right side!! Sooooo happy! I do have a few little ones on the left, two 11mm and one 13mm. Not mature but here none the less so I feel they deserve a shout out too!

We triggered tonight and IUI #1 is scheduled for Friday morning 1/11/2013!!!!! We are sooo excited and rooting for our #18. Brandon says if we get pregnant this cycle we should call it eighteen. Haha crazy man!

Tomorrow is a day of rest before the big day! Crossing everything I have! Will update Friday!

Here we go!!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

CD9 Last Inject

So we did our last Gonal-F injection tonight. Tomorrow is the big ultrasound to see how many follies we have for our IUI! I am so excited and so nervous at the same time. Last monitoring on CD7 I had one on the right measuring 13 and one 11 on the left.

Praying and crossing everything I have for two or three beautiful follies but would be overjoyed with one!!!

Here are a few pics from tonight! Ill update tomorrow! Estimated IUI date is Friday 1/11/13 hooray!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

CD3 Start of injects & My anniversary!

OK so first let me start off by saying my wonderful husband and I have been married for 2 great years today. It seems like it has flew by, he is my best friend and I am so so lucky to be his wife! We celebrated with some wonderful dinner at a great Italian place. It was so nice to get out just the two of us and just relax! He did get me some beautiful flowers too! He is such a romantic sometimes! <3

OK onto the good stuff.. so as soon as we came into the house from dinner Brandon was ready to get down to business. The Gonal-F pen business. You see, I still can't inject myself. I have no idea why its just something in my brain saying NO NO NO don't do it. HA So he has gotten pretty good with it. But he didn't want to waste any time so he pulled out everything before we started and it sorta went something like this..

I'M READY HONEY!!! Just lay down and relax

Not going to lie... I was a little freaked out.. maybe due to his genuine excitement of injecting me. Here is a few close ups

And the moment of truth!

Please be working Gonal-F please please please do your thing! Grow follies grow.. you can do it. This stuff is like miracle grow for my follicles.

The plan right know is to do injects every night for the next three nights. Then the day following I will go for an U/S to check things out. See how my follies are growing and we will go from there!

Crossing everything I have! I'll update soon! xoxo

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! CD2

Happy New Year everyone! I started off 2013 with a big date with the vag cam this morning! Everything looked good and I am waiting for the nurse to call me with my instructions for this cycle! I am ready to get this show on the road.

This year I do have a few new years resolutions.

  1. Get KTFU but I figure you guys already knew that.
  2. Move into a new apt/condo/home something that is NOT where we live now as I can't stand it.
  3. Start taking my vitamins and Metformin exactly when I am supposed to everyday. I tend to forget and that's not good.
  4. Start exercising regularly to get healthy.
  5. Be better with money management. 
  6. Keep up on my blog! 
  7. Be more positive.
  8. Stop peeing on so many sticks
I know there is more, but this is good for now! 

So my first purchase of the new year was something pretty cool! A plush egg. HA I know it sounds crazy  but I am really looking forward to getting it and taking it on all my adventures TTTC wonder if Brandon will feel the same way! Stay tuned for name and photo upon arrival!