Thursday, November 29, 2012

5am wake up smack down :/

So yesterday morning I woke up... said to myself OMG POAS just do it.. you know you want to so I busted my trusty cheapie HPT
And my go to dixie cup! (This is not my dixie but seriously how flipping cool is this I have to find these)

I even went as far as to pee in the cup, tear open my test then TMI wiped and saw I started spotting... seriously are you KIDDING ME its like the pee gods KNEW I was peeing so I could dip a stick and wanted me to fail. The pee gods are NOT on my side here.... ugh I didn't even dip I just started crying. Wasn't pretty at all... exp at 5am.

So yesterday and today I have been spotting on and off. Beta is supposed to be tomorrow am called Lisa (my nurse) and asked what I should do.. she says if AF doesn't show full flow then still go (I guess there's a lot of people who spot and are pregnant).. so even though I know in my mind that I am out I still have to wake up wicked early to hit the lab before I go to work tomorrow. Just want to say IF you SUCK seriously why does this happen to me! I should have just left the HPT's alone! Grrrr 

Wish me luck for my BFFN call tomorrow from the nurse. On a lighter note, we did get the OK from my RE to do another Clomid(OH YAY) + Trigger + TI cycle for this one coming up while we wait for me to get my consults done so thank goodness we are not just throwing away a cycle! Just wish we were moving forward to IUI like I had thought. But you have to take what you have and go with it right! We can do this!!! 

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